The employee maintenance page lets you see your company’s employees. Here you can add and remove employees, and update their details. As the owner, you can determine the pages of QuoteMaster your employees can access. If they’re allowed to create and edit markups, check the Markup Maintenance box.

Taxes. Oh joy. We know they’re annoying, and so we’ve created the tax maintenance to simplify the taxation calculations. If your company adds taxes, you can set up tax rates. Each tax rate has three fields for each type of tax: material tax, use tax, and labor tax. This means you can keep each level of taxation e.g. municipal, county, state) separate for accounting purposes.
You can have as many tax rates as you need. On the proposal page, you will choose which tax rate to apply for the specific job. Once a markup rate has been selected, these tax rates will be applied according to each individual markup’s taxation type.

Proposal and contract maintenance lets you tailor the PDF proposals and contracts for your company. We provide sample documents so you can get the feel of how to use the mail merge tags. These mail merge tags act as placeholders for the job’s data, so each proposal and contract will display the correct information for each job.
For example, if a customer’s name is Nicholas Solomon, your document with the sentence “Thank you ${customer} for choosing our company…” will look like “Thank you Nicholas Solomon for choosing our company…” on Mr. Solomon’s proposal and contract.
We also give you the ability to add any notes that will appear on each page. Additionally, you can set the length of time a proposal or contract is valid, and we will add a sentence with this disclaimer to the proposal and contract.
There’s a lot of documents available to be placed in your proposals and contracts, but you might not want to use all of them. In the include section, you can choose which of your uploaded documents and which QuoteMaster-generated documents will be present for each type of proposal and contract.

The markup maintenance page is where you set your markup rates. You can create as many markups as you want, and apply them to multiple fence systems. Within a markup rate, you can have as many markups as you wish. If you want to create a labor markup for each foot of fence, and set the prices at a fence height level, you can.
Now we’re back to our favorite subject: taxes. For each individual markup, you can set the type of taxation. Let’s say a fence job is using tax rate 1 and markup rate 2. If the sales tax for tax rate 1 is 8.25%, and the material markup for markup rate 2 is sales taxable, the 8.25% tax will apply to that individual markup. This is all calculated for you.